Course Curriculum

    1. Downloadable pdf

    2. Grammar 1: Giving Emphasis, explananation and practice with Patrick

    3. Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs: Explanation with Patrick

    4. Prepositions practice: In or On?

    5. Phrasal verbs and grammar practice

    1. Downloadable pdf

    2. Unreal and Subjunctive: Explanation and practice with Patrick

    3. Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs: Explanation with Patrick

    4. Unreal and subjunctive grammar practice: Multiple Choice

    5. Unit 1 and 2 Phrasal Verbs revision

    6. Unit 1 and 2 Prepositions Revision

    1. Downloadable pdf

    2. Advanced Conditionals: Explanation and practice with Patrick

    3. Advanced Conditionals: Additional material with answers

    1. Preposition Phrases Revision

    2. Phrasal Verbs Revision

    1. Downloadable pdf

    2. Unit 4 Grammar: Inversions explanation and practice with Patrick

    3. Unit 4 Vocabulary: Explanation and Practice with Patrick

    4. Inversions practice

    5. Adjectives and Adverbs practice

    6. Inversions: Extra exercises (pdf)

    1. Downloadable Pdf

    2. Conversational English: Explanation and practice with Patrick

    3. CAE Speaking: Explanation of parts 1-4 with Patrick

    4. CAE Speaking: Parts 1-4 explained (downloadable pdf)

About this course

  • €30,00
  • 45 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content